
happy birthday, momma!

Today is my mom's birthday. And while I won't say how old young she's turning, I will tell you that with each year, she gets a little more special to me. I'm not sure if it's her age that's making her special to me. I'm pretty sure it's my age that's making me appreciate her for all that she is to me. I'm certain there is no one like her. I love her for all that she is and all that she does. My mom has constantly been there for me, always. And I'm so blessed to have her as my mother.

Happy birthday, Momma!


the corn maze

This past Sunday, Bry and I drove up to Lyman Orchards to go see what this Yankees/Red Sox corn maze was all about. Bry and I are super excited for fall {as we always are} and are trying to do anything and everything fall this season, at least, things that I can do these days. I didn't think a corn maze would be that strenuous so we checked it out. The maze had Yankees and Red Sox logos carved into them, and there were trivia questions to "help" us navigate through. Well, we got lost a few times and I had some Braxton Hicks contractions, but we made it out alive. We even were given some stickers that said, "I Survived the Maze". Afterwards, we got ourselves some apple cider and people watched. I love Sunday afternoons with my hubby.

thanks, bonnie!

Hey, it's been quite a while since I've blogged. And it might be a little bit on and off these next few months while we're gearing up and adjusting to baby. But I'm here now to say thank you to Bonnie. Bonnie and I went to college together and she blogs over at feeling bloggy. She nominated my blog for the Versatile Blogger Award- and I need to say thank you! I'm honored!

All I have to do to accept this award is share 7 things about myself {most of which you'll probably already know}. So here goes nothing...

1. I love my hubby. Like alot. He's probably my favorite person ever!
2. Most of my closest friends live far away from me, which makes me sad from time to time.
3. I'm not sure I could live anywhere except New England. The four seasons are way too much apart of what I love about life. 
4. I hate bare toe nails on my own feet- my toenails are always painted. 
5. I'm trying to be a good housewife, but on many occasions, I fail. The dirty dishes and I don't get along too well and just avoid one another...
6. The beach is one of my happy places. So peaceful and pretty!
7. Our baby girl is coming in October! Yaaay!!

If I were going to nominate anyone for this award, it'd have to be my friend Brit's blog, A Journey Down Twenty-Something. Brit stopped blogging for a while, but maybe this will get her to start up again :) Also, if I could, I would nominate my sister-in-law's blog, which should be getting created asap. Kels, get on it- hint, hint! You've got too many great ideas and projects not to share!

Thanks again, Bonnie!


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