Last night, I read a post by one of my favorite bloggers
Casey Wiegand, titled "if you really knew me" and I loved it! She is, again, one of my favorite bloggers who bares her soul and honestly writes what's on her heart. Her post inspired me to write one of my own... so here it goes.
If you really knew me...
You'd know that I am absolutely ecstatic to be a mom, and I am feeling like time is moving in slow motion awaiting this sweet little girl's arrival.
You'd know that turning on my TV this morning to the news of the Aurora, CO shooting literally broke my heart. And makes me not want to go see the new Batman movie.
You'd know that I love to drive with the windows down and the music blasting.
If you really knew me...
You'd know I require a lot of sleep to function normally. And part of me wonders how this new little babe is going affect that.
You'd know that I have a fear of losing my close friends and family. I also know that you can't live life worrying about this kind of thing, but I still am afraid of loss.
You'd know that I kind of love that Bryan and I are high school sweethearts. And I don't feel vain in loving that about our relationship. We've grown up together and it's shaped our relationship very intricately.
You'd know that when someone hurts me or one of my loved ones, I lash out and become very upset. You'd also know that I am not necessarily thinking this is the best strategy, but it just happens.
If you really knew me...
You'd know that I could live at the beach. And that I would be in my happy place forever.
You'd know that last week, I panicked after posting a "6 months pregnant in a bikini" instagram. And that I, in no way, posted that photo in an attention seeking way. I worry about what others think and this is something I struggle with daily.
You'd also know that writing a post like this scares me as it can easily be criticized at any point. But that I am trying to write for me, not for anyone else.
If you really knew me... you'd know there are only a few people who really know me and what makes me who I am...