The New Year is here! I can't believe it. I'm not a believer in New Years Resolutions because no one ever keeps those, so I make goals instead. I decided to make 12 goals for the year 2012.
- Attempt more DIY projects. Pinterest has opened my eyes to so many cute ideas and I need to be more DIY-savvy. I am such a "Well-it's-easier-to-just-buy-that" type of person...
- Learn to sew & knit. 2 somewhat goes hand in hand with my DIY goal.
- Create a better wardrobe without breaking the bank. While I will always love shopping, we are trying to make better financial decisions and I want to try to be creative with what I have {and add a few pieces here and there}
- Get into a yoga routine. Since I deleted my gym membership two months ago, I need to be faithfully doing my yoga DVD- Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown. If you want to feel like you were trampled by an elephant, try it out. You will hurt the next day...
- Make and eat healthier meals. While I don't see myself as a KFC junkie, I definitely know I need to eat more well balanced meals {cough, fruits and veggies, cough}. And this includes cooking these meals too- although I love having a hubby who enjoys cooking!
- Create more of an interesting blog layout. Again, working on this one already, but this will take time as well...
- Be a better wife...While Bry and I have already been married over a year, I still feel like this can be an ever-long goal. I have recently learned Bry's love language and while I know that's not an equation to make him happy, I do know a few things that he likes- ie keep up with the dishes, laundry, & cleaning. {Confession: I am not the one to do these things all of the time, actually I rarely take the initiative to do these things... I am working on it and will continue to do so for the future}
- Love more. This goal can again apply for not just this upcoming year. And I'm going to try to love more.
- Smile more. Cliche and cheesy but I want to not take things so seriously. I want to enjoy life!
- Be more open to a change of mood. This might sound strange, but I have a tendency to get stuck in a cranky/stubborn/upset mood and Bry will try everything to get me out of it. It's times like those I want to literally turn my mood right around...
- Pray more. I started this in 2010, just before I got married and it has helped me tremendously. I always feel like prayer is a tiny little thing that's sometimes is only muttered when necessary. But God is looking for a relationship, not just random cries of desperation.
- Do more of what makes me happy.
Bring it, 2012 :)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!