
monday morning

Bryan's clone right there^

Excuse the blurry pics, but this is how my morning started. This girl climbed on top of my head to look out the window and sat on my face... you can bet I was almost crying out of laughter. Then I got out of bed feeling super productive- ready to clean the entire apartment and purge of everything that we don't use/eat/wear.. Hopefully Bryan comes home and still recognizes the place! 

Happy Monday!

(And a huge thank you to all the veterans that have served and fought for our freedom. It is because of you that we have the privilege of living the way we do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!)


9 years with this guy

October 17th marked 9 years that Bryan and I have been together. Our dating anniversary was just passed on by... by life, I suppose. We were preparing for Gemma's birthday and both working a lot and I didn't make the time for a blog post. But I wanted to. So here's what I have to say about this guy...

This guy... listens to Eminem, Coldplay, Luke Bryan, Mumford & Sons, Jay-Z, and Justin Bieber...

This guy... talks to me in his sleep, even when he tells me I'm the sleep-talker. "Pumpkins are $5, really Bry?"

This guy... eats the whole box of Cheerios except a spoonful and will put the box back in the cabinet.

This guy... loves his girls with all of his heart and would do anything for us.

This guy... tries to act all nonchalant about things, but he really did mean to pop that mix into the CD player 9 years ago and play "Girlfriend" by NSYNC and Nelly all while mumbling "oh this is just a random mix. Let's see what's on it..."

This guy... has a laugh that is contagious. It can bring me out of the worst mood on the worst day.

This guy... is more OCD than I ever could have anticipated. I did not think he was going to care about how his laundry was folded... man, was I wrong!

This guy... might be the cutest dad ever. Maybe I'm biased, I dunno?

This guy... is a big cuddler except when it's time to sleep. I'm very much the opposite.

This guy... takes pride in planning agendas for special occasions. I swear, he's a keeper.

This guy... knows exactly what I am thinking in most situations. Sometimes it's scary how our minds think alike. Love that I can look at him when we see a 10 year old being pushed around the mall in a stroller and know that he is rolling his eyes too.

This guy... has my heart forever. I am so grateful he knows this and is protective of it.

B- Thank you for doing life with me. I couldn't do it without you and despite our ups and downs, I love the life that we have together. Love you forever!

my baby is 1!

My baby girl turned one two weeks ago {sorry for the delay in posting, friends!}. Words can't express how proud I am to see her changing, growing, and learning every day like she is supposed to. I can't believe I blinked and a year went by. And I can't wait to see what the future brings for this sweet girl! I love you, my Gemma Rose! 

A few photos from her last white onesie shoot...

^if you could hear the squeal coming out of her...

^trying to see her belly button

^always moving

^hammin it up!

^trying to crawl off the couch

^this face kills me

^clapping for her birthday!

^and we're done.. Mommy can only reposition you so many times, Baby Girl! 


dear gemma

Dear Gemma,

I've been thinking about this post for some weeks now, but it feels only appropriate to post on the eve of your first birthday. The beginning of October hit me with a huge reality check... My sweet baby girl is losing a little of her baby-ness every day. Every day, there is something new and exciting and something hysterical that you do, and I get a kick out of all that you do every single day!

Tonight, as I rocked you to sleep, I felt heavy tears roll down my cheeks while I kissed the top of your head. You, my sweet girl, have been everything I have dreamt my whole life and more. My entire world shifted the day you were born. There were no words that could have prepared my heart for what was about to happen. I cried as I held you and snuggled you. And I know you have much more growing up to do. These tears I cried over you are not all tears of sadness. Of course, I am sad that you are getting less and less likely to cuddle with me {it's actually pretty rare now}. And I am sad that you are becoming older and more independent daily, meaning you need me less than you did as a newborn. But in a strange way, I am happy too. I did not for one second want to wish away your first year of your life. So I tried to take in every single minute. Sure, there were times where I was frustrated or days where you didn't seem to take to anything I tried, but I really have enjoyed your first year. These tears I cried as I rocked you to sleep were also tears of happiness. Happiness that you are doing exactly what are you supposed to- through learning, growing, developing, and more. And happiness that you are becoming more "you" every day. I love my little girl more than life itself. Daddy and I cannot remember life without you and we couldn't be happier that God blessed us with such an angel.

I want you to know that I am incredibly happy to be your mama. And as much as I can't believe the first year of your life has flown by, I can't wait to see how the next one unfolds. You, my sweet girl, are God's greatest gift, and I still can't believe I was chosen to be your mama. I love you, my Gemma girl and I have cherished you every day, and will continue to until your 115!


gemma's birth story

Last pregnant photo of me.. taken just 2 days before Gemma was born.

It's been almost a year since I've given birth to my baby girl. I know that the time flies and I should have posted this forever ago. I had a long detailed version that I just thought could be summarized a bit, so this is the "shorter" version of the story, and I thought it'd be a perfect night for it on the eve of Gemma's first birthday :)

My due date was October 29. 5am on October 21, I woke up because I had to pee for the tenth time that night and realized I was a little crampy. Coming back from the bathroom, I realized that my cramps were something different than the Braxton Hicks I'd been experiencing for the past 3 months. I woke Bry up and we both got all excited and couldn't go back to sleep. Bry talked me into calling the on-call OB to see what we should do. She told me to go for a walk and see if anything progressed. After our longer walk, my doctor suggested I head to the hospital to get checked {as I was "trickling" water- I wasn't really sure if my water had broken yet or not...} So off we went to the hospital.

Off we go to the hospital. They hooked me up to a monitor to check my contractions. Turns out I was in early labor. There the question arose again...Did my water break? {If your water has broken, you're automatically admitted to the hospital.} They did an exam and found I was less than 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced, however, my water had not broken. They sent us home with a few tricks to try. Take a walk, eat spicy food, drink one beer, etc. Home we went.

Since walking was recommended, we walked and walked. And we walked some more. Then, in attempt to eat spicy food, we picked up Chipotle for dinner and grabbed some Woodchuck Cider for yours truly and headed home. {As a side note...Bryan mapped out all of our walking and found out we walked 10 miles throughout the day. 10 miles!!! At 39 weeks pregnant... who does that?!} After eating dinner, we popped in a movie and settled in for the night. During the movie, the contractions seemed to subside and space out a bit, so I figured my body was relaxing and this baby wasn't coming as soon as I'd thought.

Next thing I know, I'm waking up at midnight to some serious writhing from painful contractions in bed. Breathing through them was getting difficult. Bryan awoke to me breathing extremely loudly and kinda panicked because I hadn't woken him up sooner. I called the doctor again. She said monitor them and touch base in an hour or two. We went out to the living room and decided to watch TV while timing the contractions. After a few hours, we called back and the doctor told us to meet her at the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital at 4am. They examined and checked me again... I was 2 cm now but again, my water had not broken yet. They told me to walk around the halls for an hour {as walking can move the dilation process along}. As I stood up to walk the halls, I felt a big gush and there it was... my water broke. We were admitted and staying. This was it- the next time we'd leave the hospital would be with our baby girl!

The contractions began to get worse. I got back into the hospital bed and soon started making unrecognizable noises. Groans, moans, cries, and winces. I can't quite even describe what I felt. The pain basically took over my whole body and all I could do was try to get through until the next break. Poor Bryan looked so helpless. I could tell he wanted to help in some way, any way, but all I could do was focus and not talk and not be touched. So he just sat there and was the best company ever.

I had been wanting an epidural since yesterday {literally- and quite badly by this point} but I couldn't have one until I was about 3 or 4 cm dilated. At 8am, they checked me and said I was 3cm. It took over an hour and a half for the anesthesiologist to get to my room. I was in pretty rough shape {or so I felt}. The anesthesiologist came in at 9:30am and I was so relieved to see him. He said,  "Okay after 3 more contractions and you won't be feeling them anymore..." I kinda didn't believe him, but followed his instructions to sit still. He was kind enough to wait til we were between contractions and that made it a little easier. Getting the epidural wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't even see the needle. Once it was in, I really couldn't feel the pain, I could only feel tightening during contractions. Now it was time to relax. I wanted to sleep but my body wouldn't let me. I think I was too anxious and excited and nervous. So we just waited. Lots of talking, lots of nurses in to check the monitor, and I even was given a popsicle because I was hungry! The nurses had also noticed I had spiked a fever, so they kept checking in on me more often at this point. 

At about 5:30, I started feeling like I needed to push. We buzzed the nurse into the room and my temperature had gone down and then back up again. The doctor came in and looked at where we were at, she told me I was 10 cm dilated, but baby wasn't as far down as they would have liked. They told me I could start pushing if I really wanted to, but I'd be pushing longer because I'd need to push her down farther than if I waited and let gravity help. Well, I could have made things easier on myself and waited, but I felt like I'd waited long enough. I felt like I'd been sitting around waiting all day, I wanted to actually DO something to help get her here sooner. I was tired of waiting. So the nurses prepped and got things together. The doctor came in as well, and so things began.

I started pushing at 6:00. The doctor, the nurse, and Bry all told me I was doing great. {I was told in our birth class that when you push, it's more of a two steps forward, one step backwards type of deal, so you have to keep pushing- 3 pushes for as long as you can before you actually rest}. At one point, my OB asked if I was an athlete. Bry and I looked at each other and laughed as I responded no, but she mentioned that I was really good at holding my breath. I knew that baby wasn't as close as I thought when my OB was checking her Blackberry and answering phone calls without scrubs on. However, I kept pushing and doing what I could to see my girl. I began to get excited when my doctor began putting her scrubs on and prepping the room with the nurse. I kind of hated that there was a huge clock in view of the bed, because I kept looking up to see how much time had passed. I started to feel exhausted and looked up and realized I'd been pushing for over an hour.

As the room started to get busier and I heard "Oh baby's got a head full of hair!" I immediately knew I was so close and felt a bit rejuvenated {as energized as one could feel in labor after almost two days without sleep}. Several more pushes, pressure, and pain, and all of a sudden, there was relief! And there she was! They put her on my belly and I couldn't believe Gemma was here. That little whimper {she didn't cry as much as they wanted her to} was blissful music to my ears. Did I really just bring this tiny little person into this world? I couldn't fathom it and all I wanted to do was stare at her for hours and hours.

{{However, since I had a fever, hospital protocol is to treat mother and baby with a course of antibiotics and baby goes to the Newborn ICU for at least 24 hours. After about 5 minutes together and only 2 minutes of holding her, they rolled her away the NICU floor. Holy heartache. Poor Bry didn't even hold her before they took her away. We were so sad to see her leave. In the end though, we were both treated and healthy and we made up for lost time with Gemma. }}

In the end, or should I say the beginning, Gemma's birth day was one of the best days of my life. The 14 hours of labor and over an hour of pushing was all worth the pain for my little beauty. Yes, Gem's stay in the NICU was a bit disappointing that she was so far away from us, but I'm so glad she didn't have any type of infection. She has blessed us so incredibly much and I can't remember life without her at this point. The day she was born was a day my dreams came true. And I'll never forget it.

I love you, my Gemma girl!!!


because of my love for pumpkins

I am feeling the pumpkin love so much right now... so here's the photos I've taken from years past getting pumpkins each October!


^this is how we celebrated our 4 year {dating} anniversary!


^carving in our first apartment

^proud of my new last name {or soon-to-be}

^unfortunately, this year, there weren't that many pumpkins because of hurricane irene's wrath on the state of connecticut. so we left without pumpkins.. but not without a photo :)


^I gave birth to Gemma just two days later! My bump was bigger than my pumpkin!

^we picked one out for her even though she wasn't here yet :)

Until next year, pumpkins!


the perfect fall evening walk

After pumpkin picking last weekend, we went for a quick walk before it was time to put Gemma to bed... We were in the 6:00 hour where she was a bit fussy, but we couldn't put her to sleep that early for fear she'd wake up the next morning at 5am... So a walk it was... I can't even describe how in love I was with this night... The trees, the sky, the leaves on the ground, the bonfire-y smell in the air.. And there was something going on out at sea, because the waves were huuuge! It was almost magical! I walked around in awe. Can every night be this lovely?

^the choppy Sound

^beautiful backdrop

^these two.. happy as can be

^I couldn't take enough pictures...

^this area is typically sand.. extremely high tide?

^the creek.. I didn't want to go home!!

The photos do not do this night any justice! I just love fall and evening walks with my family. Perfect ending to pumpkin picking! :)


to the pumpkin patch

Yesterday, we took a trip to the pumpkin patch. We have been eager to pick out our pumpkins and take Gemma to the pumpkin patch for quite some time now. We love picking out pumpkins!

It was the perfect day. 68 degrees, windy {so sweaters were appropriate}, and super sunny! Here's the many, many photos we took!

^rows and rows and rows of pumpkins!

^just next year she'll be running through these little playhouses!

jones family farms

^do you think they are used to me taking pictures of them yet?? :)

^this kills me! I always call her "my pumpkin" and I'm pretty sure I always will!

^not really sure about putting her face in the hole, but pretty sure she knows she's cute

^lots going on in this picture.. mostly G being a cutie pie

^unsure about the pumpkins

^fall love

^my loves watching the tractor

^cheesin with mommy

^I can't even

^standing and unsure

*and a quick story.. Gemma was most enthralled by the hay... She ended up eating some while we were taking a few pictures, and then threw up {basically she spit up after gagging a few times} and I just covered it with hay... I'm still laughing about it. What else do you do when this happens and you're in a pumpkin patch?



I stumbled across this "currently" post on Sometimes Sweet.. so I'm copycat-ing over here :)

Reading: Everyday A Friday by Joel Osteen. Only 30 pages in so far, but I'm loving the perspective!

Eating: Lately, I have been craving Chicken Pot Pie. Such a great fall meal. I made one last Friday night at about 10pm... Bry and I ate 2/3 of it, and then I ate the rest the next morning. So yummy! I alternated between two recipes so that probably had something to do with it being so tasty. Someone should warn Bry that I might make another one tomorrow!

Thinking about: Gemma's first birthday... I cannot fathom how it has almost been an entire year since I gave birth to my baby. Time flies. I feel like I blinked and she's almost walking. How can this be? On another note.. her birthday party details need a bit of attending to. I need to get on with the plans and decorations and food because October is literally slipping through our fingers.

Listening to: I've been stepping away from music a bit, so I'm mostly listening to Gemma babble and focusing more on whatever I'm doing! She's getting so funny these days with her reactions to things!

Enjoying: Gemma's age and interactions at this point in her life. She is getting so personable. She clearly has likes and dislikes and will make both known to us. She is such a little gem and everyday I am reminded of how blessed I am to be her mama!

Watching: I love when all the TV seasons start again! Despite canceling our cable, I still can catch up on all my TV shows that I love via Hulu+.. Grey's Anatomy, Parenthood, New Girl, and Modern Family... and Bry and I have been talking for forever about completing our Friends DVD set and watching the series start to finish... so we bought the rest of the seasons on Amazon and do that on a night when we aren't watching a new episode of something! Total couch potatoes over here! {with active family outings on the weekends, of course}

Loving: Fall! My favorite season! Sweater weather! Pumpkins! Cozy drinks from Starbucks {can you tell I'm not a coffee drinker?}! Leaves! Leggings! Boots! Seriously, it's quite the hype in our house!

I'm sure this won't be the end of my obsessive love of fall discussions. Happy fall to all! :)


photos that didn't make instagram

Time for another round of photos that didn't get posted on Instagram! I've totally become one of those moms that probably posts way too many pictures of my kid. But I truly can't help myself. Gemma's very photogenic and is just a pip most of the time! So here's another batch that didn't make Instagram.. from way back in the winter! Get ready for Gemma-overload :)


^singing Mommy and Daddy to sleep one night

^so so little

^she learned to pose young I suppose

^her favorite place to me.. with Mama

^snuggling with her doggy!

^I mean.. what a little pumpkin!

^Auntie Kelsey brought over some candy and I had fun playing with it with Gemma! 

^just waking up?

^guys, guys, I'm not awake yet.. just chill!

^still waking up over here...

^okay, so one time, I took a really cute picture of Gems and put it on Instagram, but what I did not post was this picture of her- right after I dropped the phone on her head... Gemma's reaction gave me enough guilt to still feel bad about it months later #badmommove

^half of my photos from my phone are blurry because one of us is always moving... memories nonetheless :)

^snuggles with Fleurbunny

^valentine's cutie!

Another "photos that didn't make instagram" will surely happen again! 


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