
growing and outgrowing

There's so much in this post that I'm about to write that scares me. It makes me vulnerable and opens many opportunities for comments and criticism. But I've been thinking much about this topic lately and I need to get my thoughts out. 

There's a lot of growing around here... namely, our Gemma girl growing up literally before our eyes. I look at my little girl and realize she's already 12 weeks old... Wasn't my baby girl just born? It almost feels like she was just inside me, growing and developing. There are things she's already outgrown. Things she doesn't do much of anymore. Things like grabbing onto our shirts when we'd hold her. Things like when she'd look longingly at us and just stare for lengthy periods of time. Things like sneezing several times and on the last one, she'd let out a big sigh, thinking it was another sneeze. And these little things, things that may seem insignificant to others, are slowly going away. I notice these things as they become fewer and fewer.

Most people don't know this, but Gemma is a little underweight. Gemma was 7 pounds 0 ounces when she was born. I made the decision quite a while back that I wanted to breastfeed. And I am committed to breastfeeding. However, it has not been the easiest road. I won't get into the details, but I found out around Gemma's 6 week appointment that she was not gaining as well as she should have been. I didn't hear this from our pediatrician {who was my pediatrician and I just love her}. I heard this from a lactation consultant in another practice.

Now, I am a new mother. I do not think I am out of my mind, but with hormones still regulating themselves and worrying about every little thing, I am more sensitive than usual. This lactation consultant, who will remain nameless, told me that Gemma and I {a breastfeeding team} were not normal, that Gemma had a problem, that pediatricians don't know what they are talking about, and that this was an emergency. I cannot begin to describe the immense guilt I felt after I left this appointment. I cried for two days, thinking that I was starving my child and that I was causing her permanent damage for not feeding her enough. Being the sole provider of food and nutrition for my girl, it was all my responsibility and, in my mind, all my fault.

Gemma's always been a big sleeper. And she always seemed fairly content after nursing. I had gotten mixed advice from many people about how to nurse, when to nurse, how frequently to nurse, etc. So I went with my instincts and just fed her when she was hungry. And then I find out there's this huge problem? I was so confused and didn't know what to do. Everyone who knew what was going on asked me, "How else could you have known?"

Gemma's pediatrician wanted to keep an eye on it but didn't have many concerns. Gemma was hitting all of her milestones and wasn't showing any signs of malnutrition or delayed development. But I became all consumed with feeding Gemma and sticking on the lactation consultant's plan of getting Gemma to catch up. It was really rough for a couple of weeks, constantly monitoring how much she'd eat and how often she'd eat and how much she was pooping. With this preoccupation, I was completely wrapped up in how much Gem was growing. Every ounce at weight checks at the doctors was a victory point for us. Every time she'd stay the same, I'd become stricken with worry again over Gemma's little body and why she wasn't gaining weight. It's been quite the emotional month or two.

However, during this time, because I was so worried about her growth and wanted her to gain weight and grow bigger, I feel like I didn't take in enough of those "little things". I didn't realize they were slipping away. I was so wrapped up in her "growing" that I feel like I almost wished her littleness away. I didn't realize it, but now that I reflect back, I wish I would have taken in more of it. While growth is good and it's what she's supposed to be doing, it makes me somewhat sad.

I can now say that Gemma is a slow gainer, but that this is more common than that first lactation consultant let on. After another harsh follow up appointment with this certain woman, who was unsupportive when Gemma had only gained 1 ounce in 4 days, I talked with Gem's pediatrician who suggested we see the LC in her practice. This new woman was more kind and understanding and more than I could have asked for. We have been working hard feeding Gemma all day and night, and she's on the up and up now. Today, I just found out that she gained 13 ounces in one week. Typically, babies gain an ounce a day, and Gemma has doubled that in the last week. 13 ounces!!! I can't even tell you how proud I am of my girl! Her pediatrician was thrilled too. We are beginning to see results. She's still a peanut, and she'll probably always be, but she's growing and we're glad for that.

And while this post probably comes off as a bunch of rambling, I guess I will sum it up this way... While Gemma's growing and getting older and bigger makes me sad, in a way that I know I'll never see some of those little things again, I know that her growing is a part of life. Sometimes I have to tell myself, Ali, she's supposed to be getting older and bigger! I will miss this stage of her curling up and sleeping all of the time, but there's so much more I am excited for. While I am sad that time's flying, I am glad that her little body is doing exactly what it's supposed to {just a little slower than others}. And what thrills me the most is that her little personality is starting to come out. It's kind of the best thing ever, getting to know her more and seeing more of who she is. I just love her to pieces!


gemma gemma gemma

It's been quite some time since I've blogged... but let me share what's been going on since my last post...

The biggest thing to happen...

Gemma Rose arrived on October 22nd, 2012 at 7:32pm. She was a healthy 7lbs even and 20 inches long. Our world has forever changed for the better and I just can't stop staring at my gorgeous girl!

We came home from the hospital with our baby girl just as Hurricane Sandy was threatening to hit the East Coast. As we all know the damage she made, we were fortunate to just lose power for several days. Gem slept through all the hype.

Because of Hurricane Sandy and then a freak snowstorm a week later, Halloween was postponed 'til November 10. Gemma the Giraffe handed out candy to all 5 Trick-or-treaters that rang our doorbell.

As Gemma became older, she started to become more and more alert. I love the pictures we have of her with her eyes open... They are my favorites.

Although, this girl could have cared less about the election.

I had a minor freak out when Gemma rolled over on November 20. Yes, I said rolled over. She ROLLED OVER at just 29 days old. Not just once, but three times that evening. And has since kept rolling over from belly to back when we put her down in her crib and she doesn't want to be there. Gemma gets really frustrated, cries angrily, and pushes herself onto her back. I think we've got Super Baby over here!

Another exciting update, Brad and Jacki's baby, Luella, was born on November 21. Lula and Gemma are just one day short of being a month apart! I can't wait to see them grow up and be friends!

We spent Thanksgiving at my parent's house as Bry's parents were in NYC visiting Lula at the hospital.  Both Bryan and I are thankful for what we have, but this Thanksgiving felt a little more special with our little family of 3.

Then we celebrated Bry's birthday at the end of November by going into NYC. We brought Gemma in to his work to meet everyone. Gemma ended up having two blow outs while we were there... Good thing I had brought enough spare clothing for her!! Later, we went to the NBA store for Bry to get a hat and to see the Christmas tree in Rockafellar Center!

Gem's first tub bath wasn't for a little while.. It took her umbilical stump a LONG time to fall off. She seems to not mind the tub too much in this picture, but we've recently learned that the shower is the way to Gemma's heart. She's the calmest when it's hair washing time.

And lastly {as if this post isn't long enough}, Gemma's first Christmas!

{Christmas Eve}

{and Christmas morning}

And here we are in 2013... Can't believe Gemma was technically born last year. Apologies for the lack of posting, but I will try to be better about posting more frequently from now on! I'm sure I've missed a few things to write about, but I was trying to take in all of my baby's newborn-ness while it was still here. Now, she's smiling and almost laughing and rolling over and sleeping through the night {mostly}.  Gemma's growing up too fast already. But we're loving every minute of it. And it's only the beginning! :)


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